How can we download android application on Windows 10/7/8 Laptop/PC
If your are looking for the process to run Android based application on your PC, Laptop then I am sure this idea will be helpful for you.
One can easily download BlueStacks and install on your windows PC/Laptop.

after successfully installation of BlueStacks it will automatically create a shortcut on you desktop start it just by clicking and run it. This will look like your new android phone boot up in the same way now you will be able to download and install android application (APPs) on your PC it will require your gmail ID and password to complete the setup.
You may use your own existing gmail ID password or you may also create new one as per your choice.
Note:- If you provide your existing personal gmail ID and password to configure it. Be aware that your all google account data such as mails, contacts, chat, photos etc. also will be accessible on that PC Laptop.
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