Grub NOT showing windows after Linux cent, Ubuntu installation

Grub not showing windows after Ubuntu or Cent OS 7 installation 

If you are facing problem to boot windows operating system after linux OS installation so this may be helpful to rescue boot loader and resolve the issue. 

It happens too often that after installation of Ubuntu or Linux cent os 7 'grub may not show windows to boot after cent 7 installation' .

To resolve this issue I found this below perfect way to resolve this grub related dual booting solution. 
Grub menu not showing at boot after upgrading to Windows 10 in dual boot

Follow this steps :- 

First install ntfs-3g to mount ntfs file system using this command

#yum install epel-release

#yum install ntfs-3g

next step 

#grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

after executing this command you will see windows will start showing after restarting your PC/Laptop. using this tips will solve 'grub not showing windows after cent 7 installation' issue.

Boot loader rescue on linux Ubuntu OS. 

To resolve the problem for Ubuntu linux boot loader first start your PC/Laptop on virtual mode/live boot using installer using pendrive or live CD/DVD. 

Grub menu not showing at boot after upgrading to Windows 10 in dual boot

after starting PC/Laptop on Live mode open the SHELL/Terminal.

When you boot to Ubuntu you need to type these commands in terminal one by one 

# add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
# apt-get update
# apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair 

After the installation of 'Boot Repair software' start launch it will launch automatically. 
now click on 'Recommended repair', Now reboot, if all works fine it will give option to select OS of your choose when you start your computer

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