fix apple iMac keyboard typing all Caps on Lock mode stuck

How to fix Apple iMac Laptop / Desktop typing keyboard all Caps on mode

If your apple iMac Book is stuck in Caps Lock mode, these steps may help you to fix the problem.

Process of resetting NVRAM and SMC.  

To solve this issue, follow these steps:

Shut down your Mac and start it again then hold Option, Command, P, and R keys.

Keep the keys pressed until you hear the startup sound, keep pressing when you see the Apple logo appear and disappear for the second time.

To reset SMC on Mac Books with the T2 chip.

Follow these step:

Turn off your Mac and hold left Control, left Option, and right Shift.

Keep the keys pressed for about 7 seconds. Without releasing the keys, press and hold the Power button. after 07 additional seconds, release the keys and start your MacBook.

On apple iMac with no T2 chip, you need to do the follow these steps:

Turn off your MacBook and hold left Shift, left Control, and left Option.

While holding these three keys, press and hold the Power button as well release the buttons after 10 seconds and turn on your MacBook.

Note:- In some cases we have been experienced using another external keyboard to turn off Caps Lock off and to reset NVRAM and SMC.

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